About Us

Built for Efficiency & Performance
Be preventive with counterfeit detection, protect your bottom line and equip with the latest in counterfeit detection technology.
AccuBANKER is a leading provider of cash handling solutions since 1981. Since then, we have continued to drive value for our clients with an entrepreneurial vision and focus on innovation. We were the first to expand our portfolio of counterfeit detection and cash room automation solutions with products specifically designed for Retailers, Supermarkets, and other industries. We strive to bring our clients the technology and processes previously limited to a few financial institutions.
As an Industry Leader with over 40 years of experience, we are committed to helping our clients secure their cash while decreasing their cost to manage it. AccuBANKER’s approach and expansive line of solutions aim to help our clients in all their cash handling related activities. Our products are built to protect clients from the latest counterfeiting threats while enabling them to improve the efficiency of their back office.
AccuBANKER is a technology company, but our relationships with our customers and attention to their needs are our driving force. A device or system alone cannot solve a problem, it takes people who listen and understand. While innovation allows us to grow, our conversations with our customers at every step of the process are what feeds us. Today, we continue to grow our expertise and technology portfolio, with new associates, clients, partnerships, and industry engagements. With a presence in over 45 countries, we have learned to adapt quickly to our clients’ needs and help them meet their goals every step of the way.